
Public health is the most important power factor of a nation, from which all other factors derive. Infectious diseases are the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in humans. Vaccination is the most important method of prophylaxis of infectious-contagious diseases. Mass implementation of vaccination prevents the occurrence of epidemics, epizootic diseases or homonymous pandemics, and at the individual level ensures the specific active immunity (total or partial). So the vaccination of the population and/or the risk groups is of strategic importance to the nation, both in peacetime and in time of war. The national antidote production along with anti-infectives (vaccines, therapeutic serums, immunomodulators, antimicrobial chemotherapies and pesticides) has a strategic importance for the health of the population and of the troops. Biological crisis situations are cases of force majeure, where the Medicines Law provides the exception for manufacturing and use, even without a ""marketing authorization"". The military scientific research could make micro-production of specific drugs (antidotes, antiinfectives) for the needs of the army and the risk groups of the population. An example would be the preparation of vaccines for the prophylaxis of diseases caused by BWA and bioterrorism as niche products. Nothing hinders the preparation of any medication, such as magistral and galenical preparations, or pilot batch, provided there is adequate space, equipment, staff and procedures according to the law or the exception.

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