
Pre-culture of shoot tip and inflorescence explants of Ruscus hypophyllum (popular names are “butcher's broom” or “mouse thorn”) in shake liquid culture increased both axillary and adventitious shoot proliferation 6–10 fold. Explants pre-cultured in agitated Linsmaier and Skoog liquid medium containing 1 mg 1 −1 each of 2,4-dichloroacetic acid and 6-benzylamino purine had to be sub-cultured after 15 days to a solid medium with a higher (5:1) cytokinin: auxin ratio for shoot development. Explants remaining in liquid medium increased in size and produced only few shoots. The initial agitation in liquid medium provided the explants with optimum contact with the medium and the subsequent release from apical dominance after transfer to stationary culture. In addition, the agitation in liquid medium induced adventitious shoot proliferation from the epidermal tissue of the phylloclades.

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