
In recent years, Russia has taken a serious step towards innovative development, to a large extent by providing systematic incentives for innovation and technological development of sectors of the economy. Today, innovation, research, development and their implementation are an important part of the political ambitions of most developed and developing countries. Global spending on innovation continues to grow, and the share of business in it is increasing. The relevance of this topic is also due to the acceleration of the processes of digital transformation of the Russian and international economy, which is why the need to create conditions for innovation, information and communication technologies is increasing. Based on this, it is important for the Government of the Russian Federation to form a national innovation system that promotes the innovative activity of domestic enterprises and increases the scientific orientation of research activities of organizations. Developed countries achieve competitive advantages through the introduction of innovative technologies, a highly qualified workforce with creative thinking, efficient use of financial resources, and strong R&D. Identifying new market opportunities is easy for highly innovative companies. Currently, not only the emergence of new high-tech industries, but also the development of traditional ones is based on information and scientific potential. The development of science is closely related to the growing flow of information, which is both the result and the basis for the development of science, the results of which are subsequently embodied in economic development.The purposeof the article is to identify the main trends in the development of innovative processes in the Russian Federation. The active creation and modernization of technologies, introduction of various technological projects is one of the driving forces of the innovation process. In recent years, there has been a strengthening of innovative development in various sectors of the Russian economy, and a significant role in this development is played by the systemic stimulation of innovation and technological development.Materials and methods.The methodological basis of the study consists of works on regional statistics, mathematical modeling, and econometrics. Graphic and tabular methods of visualization of research results, statistical methods of analysis of economic phenomena were used. To solve the tasks of the study, application packages SPSS, Statistica were used.Results.The creation of new, unique advanced production technologies is an essential element of the innovative development of the country’s economy. The development of industrial design is one of the main stimulating factors for the innovative development of Russia. The increase in the number of issued patents for inventions with a high degree of probability predetermines an increase in the number of manufacturing technologies, which is the basis for progress in the field of manufacturing design. However, the main challenge remains the issue of financing.Conclusion.The article contains an analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators characterizing the innovative activity of organizations and provides forecast estimates of the indicator based on trend models.


  • В последние годы Россия сделала серьезный шаг на пути к инновационному развитию, в большей степени, за счет обеспечения системного стимулирования инноваций и технологического развития секторов экономики

  • Russia has taken a serious step towards innovative development, to a large extent by providing systematic incentives for innovation and technological development of sectors of the economy

  • Global spending on innovation continues to grow, and the share of business in it is increasing. The relevance of this topic is due to the acceleration of the processes of digital transformation of the Russian and international economy, which is why the need to create conditions for innovation, information and communication technologies is increasing

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Экономическая статистика

Состояние и перспективы развития инновационной деятельности в Российской Федерации в XXI веке. Global spending on innovation continues to grow, and the share of business in it is increasing The relevance of this topic is due to the acceleration of the processes of digital transformation of the Russian and international economy, which is why the need to create conditions for innovation, information and communication technologies is increasing. Способствуя формированию новых, конкурентоспособных производственных структур, ускорению научно-технического прогресса, а также удовлетворяя современным требованиям глобализации мировой экономики, развитие сферы науки и инноваций является фундаментальной задачей Российской Федерации при переходе к современной модели экономического роста. Экономическая статистика прогнозирование инновационной активности организаций в Российской Федерации, как показателя, наиболее полно и корректно характеризующего уровень развития сферы инноваций в стране, а также выделение наиболее перспективных направлений из вышеназванных (кадровое обеспечение, материально-техническое оснащение, объемы финансирования и т.д.) и предложения по их стимулированию. Выполнявших НИР в Российской Федерации за период 2000–2019 гг

Анализ динамики развития основных показателей сферы науки и инноваций
Число таких организаций за весь рассматриваемый период увеличилось практически в
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