
The article examines the peculiarities of Oleksandr Korolchuk’s acting Style based on the works of national drama on the Stage of the Kyiv Theater named after Mykola Sadovsky. Therefore, based on the extensive material of the Kyiv press, memories of contemporaries, materials of the Museum of Theater, Music and Film Arts of Ukraine (Vasyl Vasylko Foundation), the actor’s range of roles was considered, the means of Stage expressiveness of Oleksandr Korolchuk were characterized based on the material of national drama. Also, for the firSt time, we introduce the term into scientific circulation and argue the concept of the “transitional generation” of Ukrainian artiSts in the history of national Stage art. The dramatic material, the specifics of its embodiment, on which the “transitional generation” of Ukrainian actors was formed, the significance of this phenomenon in the hiStory of Ukrainian theater, using the example of Oleksandr Korolchuk’s creative work, are analyzed.

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