
In the following material, the role of one of the parasites of citrus fruits and ornamental plants is treated, that of Parlatoria cinerea Hadden 1909. Among the representatives of the U/Order Coccinea, Order Hemiptera, Class Insecta, P. cinerea Hadd. 1909; is presented as one of the most widespread pests among all representatives of the Parlatoria genus analyzed in our study. To determine this species, it is necessary to familiarize ourselves with many of its determining characteristics. It should be emphasized that, in this material, the distribution of this species in the entire territory kept under control is also dealt with. This group of parasites precisely in the Region of South-Western Albania has studied.
 The paper, in addition to the spread of the species in question, also identifies the entire variety of vegetation that it frequents, the plant organs where the insect prefers to parasitize, and also the frequency of plant liking by it.
 In this paper, in addition to the species P.cinerea Hadden 1909, data on other representatives of the genus ParlatoriaTargini - Tozzetti, 1868 are also treated, such as: P. eleae Colv., P. thea Ckll. and P. pergandii Comst. By presenting in a comparative manner the data collected for all these species found in the region in question, the role and importance of the study of this species is highlighted. The material also deals with data on the damage caused by it and the negative impacts on the contaminated vegetation. Thus, on the basis of a chronological work in the field of over 5 years, we have also reached a number of valuable conclusions for citrus growers and equally for park specialists who cultivate and breed ornamental plants in parks of relaxation and in the courtyards of our homes.

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