
This research aims to find the spectrum of a park service scope from two city parks in Denpasar, a densely populated city. The city parks in study are Lapangan Puputan Badung and Lapangan Puputan Margarana as city public facilities of Denpasar – Bali that is said to improve citizen quality of life and environment as well. However, this research focuses to see how city parks in Bali serve their users. This study uses a survey research method. Sample of respondents are chosen using accidental sampling technique with questionnaire as media of data collection. Data series include, users’ age, frequency of visit, activities, and domicile. Research findings are analysed spatially and descriptively as well. Result shows that most visitors are young people who spend time mostly for exercising and other recreational activities. It is also interesting to see that both city park users are regular visitors. They visit the parks at least 1 to 2 time per week and spend 1 to 2 hours in there. The parks users mostly come from densely populated areas. That shows the importance of city parks as complement to a city. However, as a city that going to smart city, ICT has not been recognized much. As conclusion, the spectrum of city parks service scope of Denpasar still ranging in traditional functions of public green open space. A city park serves a man-made nature-like place for people to get refresh within an urban landscape setting.

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