
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the foreign policy of Muslim states, where the Islamic factor plays an important role in society. It is known that the religious factor manifests itself in different ways, depending on the historical heritage, culture and characteristics of the socio-political development of the country. At the same time, it has a significant impact on the foreign policy of all Muslim states. So, the Islamic factor is present both in the state foreign policy strategy and in the form of ideology promoted by non-state actors. In the state policy of Muslim countries, mainly the idea of promoting precisely “their” local form of Islam prevails. Its “soft power” after the Arab Spring has become an integral part of the new geopolitics, and even more than in the past, Muslim countries are trying to form and promote their image of a “moderate” version of Islam and adhere to it in their foreign policy. The author explores such non-state actors as, for example, the Muslim Brotherhood organization and the Islamic State (ISIS), which criticizes the existing regimes of Muslim states, casting doubt on their legitimacy. Thus, challenging existing regimes, not only in the traditional sense of power, but also in terms of religious legitimacy. Any claim of this kind is perceived by governments as an existential threat, as well as any alternative interpretations of Islam promoted at the regional or international level by other states. The article analyzes the escalation of armed confrontations and conflicts, the spread of which to neighboring countries shows that the process of geopolitical transformation is far from over, and a new balance of forces in the region has not yet been determined.

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