
Writing and publishing imply purpose and intentionality. This study analyzes writings of contemporary Sufi authors in the West and demonstrates that such writings constitute engaged Sufism in several distinct ways: The authors share Sufi knowledge with the world they live in, particularly the Western world they come from or have settled in. Sufism is presented as an alternative to spiritually impoverished and materialistic Western modernity and as a remedy to its negative impacts on the individual as well as religious communities. More importantly, the writers recognize, challenge and potentially change negative perceptions of Islam and Muslims by presenting Sufism as the spiritual, peaceful and beautiful heart or soul of Islam. The Sufi writings address rejection and critiques of Sufism by modernist and Salafi Muslims and confidently counter them with an emphasis on pluralism of interpretations and proof for the organic connection between Sufism and Islam. To be a Sufi is to be a lover, but not just any kind of lover. We need knowledge to know what to love and what love asks of us, in order that we might become love itself.Journal for Islamic Studies Vol. 26 2006: pp. 36-70

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