
In spite of its name, the solid effect of dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is also operative in viscous liquids, where the dipolar interaction between the polarized nuclear spins and the polarizing electrons is not completely averaged out by molecular diffusion on the timescale of the electronic spin-spin relaxation time. Under such slow-motional conditions, it is likely that the tumbling of the polarizing agent is similarly too slow to efficiently average the anisotropies of its magnetic tensors on the timescale of the electronic . Here we extend our previous analysis of the solid effect in liquids to account for the effect of -tensor anisotropy at high magnetic fields. Building directly on the mathematical treatment of slow tumbling in electron spin resonance , we calculate solid-effect DNP enhancements in the presence of both translational diffusion of the liquid molecules and rotational diffusion of the polarizing agent. To illustrate the formalism, we analyze high-field (9.4 T) DNP enhancement profiles from nitroxide-labeled lipids in fluid lipid bilayers. By properly accounting for power broadening and motional broadening, we successfully decompose the measured DNP enhancements into their separate contributions from the solid and Overhauser effects.

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