
The qur’an contains the laws, commandments and prohibitions of Allah, giving glad tidings and al-qur’an has explained the problems of human life from all fields, including all forms of women’s problems. It is based on Qur’an surah al-ahzab: 33. But the verse is less precise is used as an excuse to limit women’s gait in social activities outside the home. The article al-qur’an does not forbit women to work out of the house, even al-qur’an imposes responsibility on men and women to guide and improve society. This is expressed in the word of Allah surah at-tawba: 71. As al-Qur’an has explained how women play a social role, there is also one movement of women who also focus on women’s problems, namely ‘Aisyiyah. ‘Aisyiyah is one of the muslimah mevement under the leadership of of indonesia. Then the problem studied in this thesis is how social role the of women contained in al-qur’an and how also according to aisyiyah which is limited by discussing five surah in al-Qur’an that is surah al-Imran: 159, an-Nisa’: 124, an-Nahl: 97, ghafir: 40, at-taubah: 71.The type of research that the writer use is literature research with the title method (by collecting verses related to the social role of women) then peeled in deeply and thoroughly from various aspects related and analyzed with descriptive approach to explain the sosial role of women according to al-qur’an and according to aisyiyah. After being reviewed and studied, the author gets the answer that al-qur’an has explained that women can play an active role social life. Similarly aisyiyah also explained that women can still play an active role in social life as long as he does not forget his nature as a woman. There is no controversy in in these two perspectives.

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