
The direction leadership of Lai Chau Province Party committees and authorities at all levels, from the province to the local government, following the documents of the Central Party Committee, plays an important role in the implementation of social insurance (SI) and unemployment insurance (UI) policies. As can be seen, after 9 years of implementing Resolution No. 21/NQ-TW, dated November 22, 2012, of the Politburo, on enhancing the Party's leadership on SI and health insurance (HI) policies in the 2012-2020 period, the awareness of the Party Committee, authorities, officials, party members, and ethnic groups in the province has increased significantly. The direction leadership of implementing resolutions of Party committees and authorities at all levels has been strengthened to properly fulfill policies that affirm the role of SI and UI policies in the social security system. Besides, many insurance policies have been implemented effectively, in line with the province's socio-economic development. The SI management system has been gradually consolidated, modernized, and operated effectively; facilities, service quality is increasingly improved.

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