
A physical representation of a single photon state is obtained by considering the quantization of the vector potential amplitude α0k at a single photon level α0k=ξωk, where ξ is a constant. For a k-mode and λ-polarization free photon state the vector potential function with the quantized amplitude ξωk can be developed in the plane wave formalism α→kλ=ωkΞ→kλ(r→,t) and behaves as a real wave function for the photon within a non-local representation. We define an angular frequency operator Ω˜=−ic∇→ which applied on the main function Ξ→k,λ(r→,t) generates a vector potential function. At zero frequency a universal zero-energy and zero-vector potential ground state of the electromagnetic field Ξ→0λ(ωk=0) appears naturally involving both circular polarizations and having a real electric potential amplitude. The electromagnetic field ground state can be identified as a vacuum component overcoming the singularity of infinite vacuum energy. Photons are generated by the oscillations of the electromagnetic field ground state whose properties might be at the origin of the entanglement and non-locality. Finally, the elementary charge and mass of the electron/positron are expressed precisely by the quantization constant ξ οf the vector potential amplitude showing the physical relationship between the photons, the electrons/positrons and the quantum vacuum.

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