
The present study analyses the selectivity for cod in two trammel-nets (three-wall nets) and one gillnet (single-wall net) used during an experimental cod fishery conducted monthly from october 1985 to December 1988 in a Norwegian fjord. It is part of a cod enhancement experiment conducted in the fjord. The three nets were grouped and utilized to sample the wild cod population. In addition, the gillnet and one trammel-net were utilized to sample a tagged group of cod with a known length composition. Relative selectivity curves were estimated indirectly for the two trammel-nets by comparing the catches of each length class within the length range 18–58 cm. Absolute selectivity curves were estimated directly for the gillnet and one trammel-net for the length range 15.0–22.0 cm. These were utilized to verify the indirectly estimated curves. The trammel-net selectivity curves obtained were used to provide an estimate for the true length-frequency distribution of cod in the fjord. Finally, it was tested whether a group of the three nets may be utilized as a unit effort to provide approximate random samples from the population.

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