
During the Spring 2003, a small shaft was examined to the south-west of the tomb of Udjahorresnet that most probably served for storing the vessels and materials used during the mummification. In the tomb of Iufaa,the reconstruction works continued, as well as the study of the texts on the sides of the chamber and sarcophagi. In the wider area of the tomb of Iufaa, to the south-west of it, the cleaning of the place continued where fragments of white limestome reliefs appeared in the surface layers. Here, a mouth of the main shaft of another shaft tomb was revealed that, according to fragments of reliefs and a single shabti, belonged to a dignitary Menekh-ib-Nekau, known previously from two statues only. During the Autumn, a small and intact burial chamber was opened in the tomb of Iufaa that adjoined the western lateral shaft of the whole structure. In this small chamber, the burial of a priest Nekau was disclosed. The mummy was laid in a wooden double coffin, decorated and inscribed. Around the coffin, pieces of the burial equipment were found, among them four inscribed canopic jars, 403 shabti figures, a wooden statue, etc. Inside the outer coffin, remains of wooden tablets were found that were inscribed with Book of the Dead chapters traced in black hieratic writing. In addition to that, pottery and anthropological finds were examined.

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