
A total of 23 leukaphereses were performed on five normal, healthy donors for the purpose of providing granulocyte transfusions to septic leukemia patients with granulocytopenia. Dexamethasone 7.25 to 7.50 mg was given orally 10 to 12 hours prior to each donation, and an average of 304 ml of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) was given intravenously during each procedure. During the period of observation for each donor, there was no significant change of total leukocyte and platelet counts, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, LDH, SCOT, creatinine, BUN, and uric acid determinations. Changes in the concentrations of serum protein, albumin, cholesterol, and glucose were thought to be due to hemodilution. Partial thromboplastin and prothrombin times remained within normal limits following collection procedures. Hemoglobin levels decreased transiently following the first three leukaphereses in all donors, but fell progressively to 11.8 gm/dl in one donor undergoing seven procedures in a 35‐day period. Dexamethasone and HES in these doses can be given safely to multiply leukapheresed donors.

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