
During formation of the new independent PostSoviet states Russian, like the former citizens of the former Union, was influenced by all expenses of process of sovereignization connected with narrowing of his vital space. So rapid replacement of Russian from such spheres of public life as policy, education, culture, media, etc. Became result of hasty, and therefore unreasoned and unbalanced introduction of language of the title nations as the only state language. Often process of fixing of the dominating positions of title languages was directly connected with infringement of positions of Russian and the rights of the Russian-speaking population. Changes in language policy of the republic have affected also education. And education is the future of the country. Reduction of social functions of Russian in Kyrgyzstan, reduction of his demand in socially staticized spheres of communication has led to considerable decrease in level of his vitality (viability). The term «language policy» «has steadily registered» in media that proves high degree of politicization of a «language question», when the language factor begins to play a role of an ethnic identifying marker, not habitual for itself, but even more often becomes a change in the solution of political affairs, the instrument of realization of political ambitions of the authorities. The information and analytical magazine «The Russian Word in Kyrgyzstan», which is issued the KyrgyzRussian Slavic University since 2011 is the open area for discussion of problems of Russian in all regions of the republic, on his pages speeches of scientists-philologists are placed, public and statesmen, teachers of schools, methodical materials for the aid to the teacher of Russian and literature, data on novelties of the Russian-speaking literature, which is published in Kyrgyzstan and in Russia, ets. Despite obvious reduction of the field of vitality (viability) of Russian in Kyrgyzstan, interest in him in the republic doesn't decrease that proves the review of publications of the «Russian Word in Kyrgyzstan» magazine for 2011-2016 concerning preservation of Russian-speaking space presented in this article.

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