
The process of incorporation of the Kazakh Hordes into the Russian Empire was complicated and lengthy. It was influenced by the interests and goals of the foreign policy of the Empire, and by the fact that Kazakh elite understood the importance of deepening trade, economic and political relations with its Northern neighbor. In the XVIII century, both joint action against the policy of the Empire and mutual raids for water sources can be identified as major activities among North-Western Kazakhstan and the Southern Urals. Bashkir tarkhans were interested in the participation of Kazakh khans and sultans in the Seit revolt in 1662 and Aldar revolt in 1704‒ 1711. Taking into account the Chinggizid origin and military achievements of Abulkhair, Bashkir tarkhans offered him to become a legitimate royal symbol of the Bashkir lands whose sovereignty from Russia he proclaimed. This article analyzes the motives of the accession of the Kazakh Junior Horde to the Russian Empire and the role the Bashkir question in this process and the interests of the Empire at the accession of the region is studied. Focuses on the participation of Kazakhs in the revolts of Bashkirs against the policy of the Empire.

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