
Introduction Axel Bruns, Gunn Enli, Eli Skogerbo, Anders Olof Larsson, and Christian Christensen PART I: THEORIES OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND POLITICS * Politics in the Age of Hybrid Media: Power, Systems, and Media Logics Andrew Chadwick, James Dennis, and Amy P. Smith * Network Media Logic: Some Conceptual Considerations Ulrike Klinger and Jakob Svensson * Where There Is Social Media There Is Politics Karine Nahon * Is Habermas on Twitter? Social Media and the Public Sphere Axel Bruns and Tim Highfield * Third Space, Social Media and Everyday Political Talk Todd Graham, Scott Wright, and Dan Jackson * Tipping the Balance of Power: Social Media and the Transformation of Political Journalism Marcel Broersma and Todd Graham * Agenda-Setting Revisited: Social Media in Mainstream Journalism Eli Skogerbo, Axel Bruns, Andrew Quodling, and Thomas Ingebretsen *Trust Me, I Am Authentic!: Authenticity Illusions in Social Media Politics Gunn Enli * How to Speak the Truth on Social Media: An Inquiry into Post-Dialectical Information Environments Mercedes Bunz PART II: POLITICAL MOVEMENTS * All Politics Is Local: Anonymous and the Steubenville/Maryville Rape Cases Christian Christensen * Social Media Accounts of the Spanish Indignados Camilo Cristancho and Eva Anduiza * Every Crisis Is a Digital Opportunity: The Aganaktismenoi Movement's Use of Social Media and the Emergence of Networked Solidarity in Greece Yannis Theocharis * Social Media Use during Political Crises: The Case of the Gezi Protests in Turkey Lemi Baruh and Hayley Watson * Structures of Feeling, Storytelling, and Social Media: The Case of #Egypt Zizi Papacharissi and Stacy Blasiola * The Importance of 'Social' in Social Media: The Lessons from Iran Gholam Khiabany * Digital Knives Are Still Knives: The Affordances of Social Media for a Repressed Opposition against an Entrenched Authoritarian Regime in Azerbaijan Katy E. Pearce and Farid Guliyev * Social Media and Social Movements: Weak Publics, the Online Space, Spatial Relations and Collective Action in Singapore Natalie Pang and Debbie Goh * Social Media and Civil Society Actions in India Rajesh Kumar * Cyberactivism in China: Empowerment, Control, and Beyond Rongbin Han * Voicing Discontent in South Korea: Origins and Channels of Online Civic Movements Maurice Vergeer and Se Jung Park * Nationalist and Anti-Fascist Movements in Social Media Christina Neumayer PART III: POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS * From Emerging to Established? A Comparison of Twitter Use during Swedish Election Campaigns in 2010 and 2014 Anders Olof Larsson and Hallvard Moe * Social Media in the UK Election Campaigns 2008-14: Experimentation, Innovation and Convergence Darren G. Lilleker, Nigel Jackson, and Karolina Koc-Michalska * Compulsory Voting, Encouraged Tweeting? Australian Elections and Social Media Tim Highfield and Axel Bruns * Not Just a Face(book) in the Crowd: Candidates' Use of Facebook during the Danish 2011 Parliamentary Election Campaign Morten Skovsgaard and Arjen Van Dalen * Social Media Incumbent Advantage: Barack Obama's and Mitt Romney's Tweets in the 2012 US Presidential Election Campaign Gunn Enli and Anya Naper * The 2012 French Presidential Campaign: First Steps into the Political Twittersphere Francoise Papa and Jean-Marc Francony * The Emergence of Social Media Politics in South Korea: The Case of the 2012 Presidential Election Lars Willnat and Young Min * Interactions between Different Language Communities on Twitter during the 2012 Presidential Election in Taiwan Yu-Chung Cheng and Pai-lin Chen * Social Media Use in the German Election Campaign 2013 Christian Nuernbergk, Jennifer Wladarsch, Julia Neubarth, and Christoph Neuberger * Comparing Facebook and Twitter during the 2013 General Election in Italy Luca Rossi and Mario Orefice * Social Media and Election Campaigns in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from Cameroon Teke Ngomba * Social Media and Elections in Kenya Martin Nkosi Ndlela * Electoral Politics on Social Media: The Israeli Case Sharon Haleva-Amir and Karine Nahon * Social Media and the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014: Events and the Generation of Enthusiasm for Yes Mark Shephard and Stephen Quinlan * The Use of Twitter in the Danish EP Elections 2014 Jakob Linaa Jensen, Jacob Ormen, and Stine Lomborg * Twitter in Political Campaigns: The Brazilian 2014 Presidential Election Raquel Recuero, Gabriela Zago, and Marco T. Bastos

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