
The present article is on the role of weekly market among the Paudi Bhuyans of Keonjhar district of Odisha. The need to exchange goods and services is the fundamental function of any society. The exchange of services and goods can be traced from prehistoric times. The market plays the most essential role to sustain the community growth and functionality. The market not only provides the exchange of essential commodities but also an opportunity to produce various artistic manifestations which are marketable and unique to the community. The present study focuses on the organisational pattern of the weekly markets where all the shops were studied to understand the items sold, to understand the market operations which were done to exchange the goods or services, to understand the impact of weekly markets on the tribal economy and the effects of products that were being sold in the market. On the basis of this study, certain measures or approaches like government intervention, proper management of the products under sale or being put on sale, will help in an effective and efficient marketing system in the tribal areas.

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