
It is mentioned in the article that the coverage of the conflict, which has entered a new stage with the beginning of the Second Karabakh War, in the Turkish media and the great influence of the media in shaping public opinion. The Nagorno-Karabakh problem is also examined down from the historical aspect in the article, various studies and theories related to the effects of the media in shaping public opinion are analyzed, at the same time, the fact that the factor of realization of modern wars in the field of information exchange is kept in focus. In addition, the forms of the topic kept on the agenda in different media platforms of Turkey until the beginning and end of the Second Karabakh War are evaluated with different criteria, the importance of the media in the direction of receiving the support of the Turkish people is emphasized. Although the application of war journalism is difficult, it is one of the important branches of journalism in terms of delivering the right information. The wars that have occurred are often between two countries that accuse each other the parties are trying to use the power of the media to justify themselves and get support from the international community. At that time, the duty of the journalist in the region is to report the events in an impartial, accurate and correct manner by following the principles of journalism, and to play an active role in the formation of public opinion. It is no coincidence that it happened during the Second World War that the media was discovered to have the potential to lead the masses and use it as a a means of propaganda. When newspapers with different ideologies and information policies were analyzed in the Turkish public, it was observed that the media organizations, which can be characterized as opposition, government, or independent, continuously followed the processes from the beginning to the end of the war and shared the events in the region with the Turkish public. Media subjects published news about the war mainly on the front page and in the main headline, and this factor formed the conclusion that the event was perceived by the public as an important nuance from the point of view of the theory of agenda setting.

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