This study analyzes the principal's transformational leadership role in building teachers' commitment at SMA Labschool Jakarta. The research method used is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Researchers obtained primary data directly through observation, observation, and in-depth interviews with informants. The secondary data was obtained through documents, books, data, and transformational leadership activities of principals in building teacher commitment at SMA Labschool Jakarta. Data was collected through grandtour observations of teachers and principals, observations of schools, and teachers' and principals' interviews at SMA Labschool Jakarta. After the data were obtained, they were analyzed interactively and continuously until completion, which had several stages. The results of this study show that the principals serve as role models and influencers, motivating and inspiring their followers, encouraging innovation and reframing problems, and prioritizing the growth and achievement of their followers. Teachers' commitment is driven by their commitment to students, the workplace, teaching, and their profession. Thus, the principal of SMA Labschool Jakarta, who implements transformational leadership, can build teacher commitment. Moreover, principals should enhance personalized support for teachers by focusing on professional development and well-being and acknowledging their efforts. Regular assessments of the principal's leadership will allow teachers to give feedback on necessary adjustments within the school.
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