
Waqf is a legal act of a person, group or legal entity that separates some of his possessions and institutes them forever for the sake of worship or other public purposes in accordance with the teachings of Islam. There is a requirement for Waqf be implemented, ie there must be Nadzir. Nadzir are people who entrusted the task of maintenance and management of the objects of the Waqf. Wakaf develops into a more widespread use of example is a productive waqf. Waqf property is Productive or a fixed principal amount diwakafkan for use in the activities of production and result in a channel in accordance with the purpose of Endowments. Wakafpro 99 submission Program is carried out by the Waqf assets Synergy Foundation. Synergy Foundation is a recipient of the Waqf is Nadzir from Wakif. So the question becomes whether the activities implemented Synergy Foundation as Nadzir were in accordance with Act No. 41/2004 and Islamic law. There are the main goals to be achieved from this research is to know know the productive management of Waqf according to Act No. 41/2004 of Waqf and Islamic law and know the role of the Foundation as Nadzir Synergy in managing Endowments productive according to Act No. 41/2004 and Islamic law in the case study on the productive management of Endowments Endowments pro 99 Bandung. Research methods used in this study i.e. the juridical normative, i.e. research with the use of norms, norms, principles, and laws and regulations related to the problems examined. This research is an analytical descriptive that provides a comprehensive picture related to the role of Nadzir to the management of waqf with Law no. 41/2004 on Waqf and Islamic Law. In the management of Productive Nadzir Endowments have an important role in managing the property of the Waqf to fit the desired by wakif and felt its usefulness by the community. Nadzir had good work program the program short term/long, besides the operations must comply with the principles of the Shariah and the property wakafnya be done productively. The role of the Foundation as Nadzir Synergy in managing endowments productive in such cases were in accordance with Act No. 41/2004 and Islamic law, it is indicated with the Nadzir in managing and developing the wakafnya possessions were in accordance with the objectives, functions and allocation and were in accordance with Sharia principles. In addition, the management and development of wakaf's property is done productively.

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