In the context of the reform of modern medicine, endocrine pathology is encountered not only by pediatric endocrinologists, but also by doctors of other specialties, primarily primary care doctors - pediatricians and family doctors. Currently, there is a tendency to increase the prevalence of endocrine pathologists in all age groups of the children's population of Ukraine. Purpose of the study. To assess the frequency of detection of the most common endocrine diseases in children by primary care doctors and the timeliness of referral to a pediatric endocrinologist. Materials and methods. In the conditions of children's outpatient clinics, 4273 children were consulted and examined, aged from 0 to 18 years. Children were evaluated anthropometric indicators, the state of the thyroid gland and sexual development. Examination of all children for the presence of endocrine pathologists and confirmation of the diagnosis were carried out on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 254 of 04/27/2006. "On the approved protocol for the medical support of children for the specialty" Child endocrinology ". Results. Among the total number of children consulted, endocrine pathology was manifested in 36.7%. The diagnosis of newly diagnosed endocrine pathology was first confirmed in 29, 9% of children. Among endocrine pathologists, perovism is occupied by obesity - 39.9%, the second - thyroid pathology - 36.4%, the third - impaired growth - 18.3%, the fourth - impaired sexual development - 7.4%. In 40% of cases, a violation of sexual development is combined with a violation of growth. It has been established that primary care doctors in 40-50% of cases do not perform anthropometry for children at all, the state of sexual development is not evaluated in 70% of cases, which leads to an untimely referral to a pediatric endocrinologist and complicates further treatment. Findings. A high percentage of children with first diagnosed endocrine pathology at the stage of primary care and the late delivery by doctors of children to a pediatric endocrinologist was established, which is due to the lack of primary care physicians' assessment of anthropometric indicators of the child’s physical development, thyroid and sexual development.
a tendency to increase the prevalence of endocrine pathologists in all age groups
endocrine pathology was manifested in 36.7%
perovism is occupied by obesity - 39.9%
Державний заклад «Запорізька медична академія післядипломної освіти Міністерства охорони здоров’я України». Серед ендокринної патології перше місце займає ожиріння – 39,9%, друге – патологія щитоподібної залози – 36,4%, третє – порушення росту – 18,3%, четверте – порушення статевого розвитку – 7,4%. Найбільш значимими захворюваннями в практиці лікаря первинної ланки, який має справу з дітьми, є ожиріння, цукровий діабет, патологія щитоподібної залози (ЩЗ), порушення росту і статевого розвитку [1, 3, 7, 8]. Тому на етапі первинної ланки дуже важливе значення має раннє виявлення ендокринної патології у дітей лікарями, які повинні, в першу чергу, володіти оцінкою фізичного розвитку дитини за антропометричними показниками, стану щитоподібної залози та статевого розвитку, що багато в чому визначає успіх подальшого ведення пацієнта у дитячого ендокринолога [2, 4, 5]
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