
The National Science Foundation was established as an independent federal agency by Act of Congress in 1950. The general purpose of the Foundation is the support of basic research and education in the sciences. Its significance lies chiefly in the recognition by the federal government of the continuing need for the support of science as a peacetime measure, following the striking demonstrations of the applica tions of science to warfare. The National Science Foundation is expected "to develop and encourage the pursuit of a national policy in support of the sciences." It holds the view that such policy must be devel oped with the co-operation of the scientific community, with due regard to governmental interests. Sound bases for policy development are laid by periodic surveys of research and devel opment among colleges and universities, industry, government, and other research organizations. Recommendations combin ing national policy and the role of the federal government in the support of science are made to the President. The major programs of the Foundation comprise support of basic research by grant, the award of fellowships, both pre- and postdoctoral, to senior scientists and science faculty, and sup port of student and teacher training.

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