
Literary output is the sum of the process of artistic creativity. Literary study is as science to literature which forms one side of the triangle, along with two other sides of the literary theory and the history of literature. Literary criticism studies and analyzes literary outcomes and evaluates them from intellectual, literary and artistic points of view. Due to the delay in the appearance of books and printing presses and publishing houses in the Kurdish language, the Kurdish press since its inception at the beginning of the twentieth century has played an active role and has undertaken the task of spreading the products of Kurdish literature where poetry formed the greatest part. Also, the Kurdish press has contributed from its early beginning, especially the period between the emergence of the first newspaper in Kurdish in 1898 to the ends of the first World war in 1920 and the emergence of modern literary arts in the Kurdish language, whether prose (Essay, Artistic story, and theatrical texts) or poetic types (Epic, poetic story and prose poem). Moreover, the first attempts to study literary criticism emerged and later evolved into an integrated technical literary work according to the plans and curricula to become an integrated cash scientific criticism theory. This study examines the role of the Kurdish press, between the period (1898-1920) in the deployment and the emergence of Kurdish literary prose and poetry, as well as tracing the footsteps of the emergence and development of the critical process in the Kurdish literature in that time period exclusively.

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