
Introduction. The article studies the role of the furnace in funeral-memorial rite and folk medicine of the Karelians. The study examines the functions of the furnace at all stages of the funeral-memorial rite, starting with the death of a person. The authors address the issue of the function of the furnace in folk medicine, focusing on healing and protective magic, which also traces the furnace with one of its functions: an intermediary between the earthly and the afterlife. The relevance of this study is determined by the absence of special works based on Karelian material, as well as in comparison with the Finno-Ugric and Slavic peoples. Materials and Methods. The material for the study was the funeral-memorial rites of Karelians and Karelian folk medicine studied using comparative-historical and comparative-comparative methods. Results and Discussion. This article analyzes the functioning of the furnace in funeral-memorial rites and folk medicine of the Karelians. The analysis considered the data of the Baltic-Finnish peoples (Karelians, Finns, Vepsians) and, more generally Finno-Ugric peoples. In addition, it reviewed the information about the traditions of Russians who originally lived at the same territory with the Karelians. In the course of the study, it established the common features in the rites at all stages of burial of the studied peoples, and in folk medicine at the moment of a person passing away when a dying person departs to another world and. Conclusion. Household items, funeral ceremonies and folk medicine appearing in funeral rites, as well as some representatives of the fauna were endowed with the ability to be an intermediary between the earthly and the underworld. Among the household items, a furnace and its utensils associated with the cult of ancestors, which were endowed with cathartic and apotropic functions and played a crucial role in the final rite of a person’s life cycle. According to data on Karelian folk medicine, it was believed that a dog, a snake and a crow have a connection with the “other” world, where diseases come from. For example, a dog was used in medical rites to remove the disease from the world of people to the «other» world. In some cases, both a dog and a furnace appear in the process of treatment.


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  • The analysis of the geographical vocabulary of the Shilan dialect is carried out with the involvement of relevant items made in other Mordovian dialects of Samara region, adjacent territories of neighboring regions, as well as other territories of settlement of the Mordovians

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Также обращает на себя внимание тот факт, что в мордовских говорах немногочисленных для Самарского Поволжья сел, основанных, как и Шилан, в XIX в., термин ляй/лей присутствует и является топогенетичным. В шиланском говоре полностью отсутствует термин эрьке, что составляет редчайшую для мордовских говоров Самарского Поволжья ситуацию. Согласно данным наших полевых исследований, во многих мордовских говорах региона термин эрьке в значении ‘озеро’ в настоящее время также не используется – в основном ввиду вытеснения заимствованием из русского языка. Что в большинстве мордовских говоров Самарского Поволжья данный термин, при наличии в географическом лексиконе, топогенетичным не является. В большинстве эрзя-мордовских говоров Самарского Поволжья термин имеет именно такую форму и, как и в шиланском говоре, топогенетичным не является. 14 ПМА: Самарская область, Клявлинский район, запись 2019 г.

14. Основы финно-угорского языкознания
14. Fundamentals of Finno-Ugric linguistics
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