
The article analyzes candidate and doctoral dissertations on the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Eneolithic, defended by specialists, mainly from the city of Samara in the Dissertation Council of the Udmurt State University. The main provisions for the defense are considered. The results achieved are listed. The article traces the role of the dissertation authors’ conclusions on the further development of studying the Neolithic and Eneolithic of various territories: the Northern Caspian region, the steppe Lower Volga region, the forest-steppe Volga region and the Sura and Moksha interfluve, the forest Middle Volga region and the Kama region. The significant role of the Dissertation Council of the Udmurt State University and personally R.D. Goldina in training of highly qualified specialists for various scientific and cultural institutions of the city of Samara is noted. It is they who, to a large extent, constitute the backbone of the team that is currently studying issues of the Neolithic and Eneolithic of the Volga-Kama region, teaching at universities, organizing various conferences and publishing both collections of research papers and monographs, training graduates and postgraduates on the Stone Age of the area of interest.

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