
Abstract : At the beginning of the 21st century, the Alps are in an unprecedented situation where die capability of intercultural cooperation may have a strong influence on the future. European integration, improved accessibility of the valleys, the impact of new communication technologies, the rapidly increasint importance of global markets and a decreasing symbolic importance of the Alps all together lead to a « shrinking » of this exceptional mountain range situated in the middle of important European cities, urge to consider a larger context and open up a variety of new perspectives. Will it be possible to re-invent a specifically Alpine developement model despite all infernal differences, actively relating to the rich multicultural environment and taking care of the delicate natural and cultural heritage ? Or will the Alps fall apart in separate backyards of the large cities ? The article analyses the role of the Alpine Convention and explores the cooperation interests of different actors. It proposes to conceive the Alps as a laboratory for European coopération and calls for a systematic joining of forces between regional, national and European decision-making levels in the spirit of subsidiarity.

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