
Human rights are topical and the importance thereof crucial in developing the rural communities in South Africa. In South Africa, most people’s rights are undermined. Examples of human rights being abused or under threat, especially among Africans, are plentiful in the media. The researcher will discuss education as a basic right to adults through the Kha ri gude mass literacy campaign. Most University of South Africa (Unisa) students are from rural communities and they have a role to play in educating the public about human rights, social justice and education. Unisa has been mandated to widen participation in South Africa’s higher education. It is in this regard that the researcher is motivated to conduct the study and see the difference that the institution can make in the lives of the people. The researcher will interview Kha ri gude students to understand the role they can play to ensure education and social justice in South African communities. The theoretical framework of ubuntu will be used to understand the study project. The study will propose some ways and means of assisting the communities in dealing with access to basic education. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n2p613

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