
The article examines the issues of students' research work, components and functions of research work. The types and forms of research work in academic and extracurricular time are distinguished.
 Of particular practical importance is the specialist's ability to adequately perceive complex life situations, correctly assess them, quickly adapt to new cognitive situations, purposefully process available information, search for and supplement the missing information, know the patterns of its optimal use, predict the results of activities, using one's intellectual and creative potential .
 At each level of education, it is necessary to develop students' creative thinking and research skills, without which it is difficult both to continue their education and to be realized in the labor market.
 In this connection, scientific research activity is gaining more and more importance and is turning into one of the main components of the professional training of the future specialist.
 Scientific and research activity improves not only the professional level, but also forms specific skills and habits, the appropriate composition of thinking and communication. In connection with the new requirements for the quality of the training of specialists, meeting the needs of the accelerated scientific, technical and socio-economic development of the country, the scientific and research activity of students is considered as an important factor in improving the entire system of training specialists for various branches of the national economy. It is scientific and research activity that allows deepening the professional direction of education, educating specialists with high creative potential and influences the formation of social and professional maturity of future specialists.
 Thus, in order to successfully manage the research work of students, the dynamics of its constituent elements, the teacher must clearly imagine its main tasks: which research object to choose and which research methods to apply. Therefore, the strategic task in this direction is to foresee the following conditions, means: forms and content of activities, which are the most favorable and optimal for the development and improvement of scientific research work.
 Accordingly, scientific and research activities should be organized so that students, after graduating from the educational institution, strive for constant improvement of their professional level. A person must constantly learn, correlating his knowledge with new requirements, his needs, the needs of society, the labor market. The personality itself is its professional toolkit.

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