
The role of I. Stalin during the period of political repressions of the 1930s is investigated. On specific documents signed by Stalin and stored in archives, his role as a direct organizer and direct leader of repressions is shown, who daily delved into all issues, up to the most detailed, the organization of the work of the leading party bodies and bodies of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs on the implementation of the politics of terror and violence. I. Stalin kept the work of carrying out repressions under his personal unrele nting control, often gave direct instructions to the leadership of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs on individual cases, on specific people. It is shown that Stalin directed not only the operational-investigative, investigative activities of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, but also the preparation and conduct of trials. So, Stalin personally painted the entire organization of the "Process of the anti-Soviet Trotskyist center" in January 1937 in Moscow. Stalin's personal involvement and direct leadership was manifested not only in the organization of political repression, but also in the implementation of economic policy, which was a policy of subjugation of the population through actual economic strangulation. This is shown by the example of the famine (asharshylyk) of 1931-1933 in Kazakhstan.

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