
The problem of this study is the gap between the management of banana superior commodities in Lumajang district at the upstream level and the main and downstream industry levels. The certification and standardization that have been obtained at the upstream level are not accompanied by significant efforts and results at the main and downstream industry levels so that the economic impact obtained by farmers, cultivators, and small and medium enterprises/industries (SMEs) has not increased significantly. The research was conducted through a qualitative method with a case study approach in Lumajang district. The results showed that the factors that are symptomatic of the suboptimal development of superior products in Lumajang district are insufficient post-harvest technology and production capacity as a prerequisite for market readiness, suboptimal market access capability and management, and regulatory support that has not been fully implemented. The recommendations include synergizing the roles of the East Java Provincial Government through the East Java Agricultural BPTP, the East Java Provincial Agriculture and Food Security Office, and the East Java Provincial Industry and Trade Office in facilitation activities that are oriented towards 3 things: first, increasing the growth and development of superior commodity productivity; second, increasing market access, management, and management of superior commodities; and third, strengthening the role and protection of farmers, cultivators, and small and medium industries/enterprises (MSMEs).

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