
Smart technology has become a cornerstone in the evolution of information technology (IT), revolutionizing data management, processing, and utilization. This systematic review explores the multifaceted roles that smart technology plays in IT, emphasizing its impact on efficiency, security, data analytics, and user experience. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning (ML), and advanced data analytics has transformed IT operations, enabling automation, predictive analytics, and enhanced user interactions. However, the adoption of smart technology also presents challenges, such as security concerns, implementation costs, and technological complexity. By examining recent literature, this review identifies key trends, including the rise of edge computing, the advent of 5G, and the potential of AI in conjunction with quantum computing. These advancements are expected to shape the future of IT, offering new opportunities for innovation and efficiency. This review provides a comprehensive understanding of how smart technology is redefining IT, offering insights into both its benefits and the challenges that must be addressed to maximize its potential.

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