
Entertainment has been recognized as a critical element in mall retailing. Mall management marketing strategies combine functional and emotional elements to draw shoppers to the mall. The current study analyzed the influence of hedonic and utilitarian shopping values on consumers’ attitudes toward the entertainment, pleasure, and fun dimensions of mall events and their impact on Indian consumers’ attitudes toward malls. The study employed a mall-intercept technique for data collection in fifteen malls across India. The findings categorized shopping values as a recreational, adventure, and utilitarian; while, mall events were conceptualized using Babin et al. s’ (1994) shopping motives typology (viz., escape, exploration, social, epistemic, and flow). Mall events encompassed product promotions, celebrity shows, and product launch activities. The hedonic shopping value (recreational and adventure), and utilitarian shopping values influenced attitudes toward mall events and consequently, mall commitment. Mall managers should organize mall activities that combine both hedonic and utilitarian aspects of shopping. Mall events should emphasize the recreational, fun, curiosity, social, and utilitarian elements in mall shopping to improve mall commitment.

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