
Knowledge is the basis for creating a new wealth in the economy. It is the source of creativity and innovation in the era of technology and knowledge. The importance of the study lies in the role played by the knowledge economy in the development of universities in general and the University of Salahuddin in particular. The decision in the university through the results presented by the study, which will explain the shortcomings in activating the role of the knowledge economy in the university, and the study aims to identify: - The concept of knowledge economics and its importance and knowledge of its basic pillars and tools and techniques and knowledge in all its aspects as much as possible to benefit from future studies. - The role of knowledge economics in the development of Salahuddin University from the point of view of the members of its teaching staff. - The difference in the views of the faculty members in determining the role of knowledge economies and the obstacles to activate them at the University of Salah al-Din due to gender, experience and scientific title. The study reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which are: 1- The views of the faculty members on the male component in the first field of the questionnaire (the role of knowledge economy in the development of the university) and their equivalence in the second field of the questionnaire (obstacles to activating the knowledge economy in the development of the university). 2 - The views of the members of the faculty of the title of assistant professor was more positive than the faculty members with honors (assistant teacher - teacher - professor) in the field of (knowledge economy in the development of the university). 3 - Ownership faculty members with the title Professor views higher than the views of faculty members with honors (assistant teacher - teacher - assistant professor) in the field of (obstacles to the activation of the knowledge economy in the development of the university). 4 - The views of the faculty members with a professor above the views of the members of the teaching staff (teacher assistant - teacher) in the field of knowledge economy in the development of the university. 5- Exceeding the views of the teaching staff with experience (10 years and more) in the field of (obstacles to activating the knowledge economy in the development of the university.

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