
The current research aims to identify: 1- The proactive confrontation of university professors 2- Perceived stress among university professors. 3- Correlational relationship between proactive confrontation and perceived stress among university professors. 4- The differences in the relationship between proactive confrontation and perceived stress according to the following variables: Gender (male - female), specialization (scientific - human), scientific title (assistant teacher - teacher - assistant professor - professor). The paper was limited to a sample of (200) male and female faculty members of the University of Anbar for both genders (males and females), and specialization (scientific and humanitarian) for the academic year (2021-2022). To achieve the objectives of the current research, both researchers adopted the proactive confrontation scale (Greenglass et al. 2002), which was translated and adapted to suite the Iraqi environment by the researcher (Hassan, 2021). The scale consists of (47) items of quadrilateral graduation (It has never been applied to me at all, it is little applied, it is applied to some extent, it applies to me completely) and grades were given from (1-4) to the positive items and (4-1) to the negative items. The researchers also adopted the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983), which was translated and codified according to the Iraqi environment by the researcher (Muhaisen, 2021), where the Perceived Stress Scale consists of (12) items.

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