
Today workforces encounter challenging situations. Experts and leaders stated that we currently live in a volatile, unstructured, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment. Moreover, external factors outside organizational circumstances including psychological and emotional state might influence work engagement. However, PsyCap was found to buffered and combat these negative reactions in the workplace. Quality of Work Life (QWL) was also found to be affecting work engagement. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the role of QWL among the effects between PsyCap and work engagement among employees in Company X in Batam, Indonesia. This cross-sectional study used a quantitative design and obtained the data using questionnaires. The data was analyzed using PROCESS Version 4.1. by Hayes (2020) in SPSS Version 25.0. The result shows PsyCap and QWL effects work engagement positively. Moreover, PsyCap was also found to positively effects QWL. Lastly, the result also shows that QWL partially mediated the effect between PsyCap and work engagement.

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