
Our article mentions the problem of selection in sports. The psycho-physiological approach proposed by us is based on the method of assessing the inclination to a particular sports specialization, which takes into account the following algorithm of actions: psycho-social characteristics and genetic and typological characteristics of athletes.: psycho-social characteristics of sportsmen, and genetic and typological characteristics. EP Ilyin’s motor skills technique; Determination of individual neurodynamic characteristics of a subject and their comparison with known, experimentally identified “model” neurodynamic characteristics that dominate, in terms of frequency of occurrence, among representatives of high-level sports. In modern conditions, when digital technologies are developing rapidly, the methods of evaluating and identifying talented athletes, saving health, and improving the quality of sports selection, which ensure a successful career and self-realization of all participants in sports activities, are of particular importance. We offer a psycho-physiological program, the obtained results provide important information in the form of practical recommendations to specialists, and coaches and help to determine the model characteristics, correctly plan the forecast, increase the selection efficiency, and improve the organization process.

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