
Relevance. Today, physical inactivity is considered a social disease, along with dependence on gadgets, computer games, etc. At school age, physical inactivity is usually associated with an irrational daily routine, with an overload of study. Inactivity leads to functional changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Since the adolescent's body is just completing its formation, the impact of any negative factor on it will be expressed to a greater extent than on the adult's body.Purpose. Determination of ways to reduce the negative impact of the academic load on health and maintain a high level of performance in computer science lessons for students of the College of Physical Culture.Methodology and organization of the research. Before starting our study, we identified the main factors of negative impact on the body. Given the specifics of our educational institution, I have the opportunity to entrust the conduct of physical workouts to the students themselves. At the very beginning of our computer science and ICT classes, they receive a task: to prepare and work out two sets of physical exercises. One is for unloading the musculoskeletal system, the other is for the eyes, since the main load from the organs of the senses when working at a computer comes to the eyes.The results of the research. In our research, we identified the main factors of inactivity due to increased academic load, as well as ways to neutralize them within the framework of hygienic gymnastics classes during physical education.Conclusions. Independent work of students of the physical culture college on the choice of the content of the physical culture period allows not only to bring them closer to their future professional activity, but also to foster consciousness and a conscious attitude to their own health.

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