
The article deals with the formation of information and communication competence of junior high school students in computer science lessons in elementary school by means of project activities. The author emphasizes that the vocation of educational institutions in our time (including elementary school) consists in the formation of competences in the students of education, which today act as a guarantee of a successful professional and personal life of a person. Also, in the conditions of the rapid development of computer equipment and information technologies, the priority of education development is determined by the introduction of modern information and communication technologies in education, which ensure the improvement of the educational process, the accessibility and effectiveness of education, and the preparation of the young generation for life in the information society. And the most effective means of solving the tasks in our time are projects as an activity for solving various problems. Projects have certain features and significantly increase motivation to study, as they form a reasonable balance between academic knowledge and pragmatic skills. The use of project activities in the educational process makes it possible to comprehensively solve the tasks of education, upbringing and development of the school. The implementation of projects by younger schoolchildren makes it possible to form a personality that better adapts to changing conditions and circumstances, orients itself in various situations, successfully integrates into society, defines and implements its life strategy, is capable of self-organization, self-realization, and creative potential. An important role in solving project problems is played by information technologies, familiarization and assimilation of which takes place in computer science classes in elementary school. The use of information and communication technologies in project activities makes it possible to master new ways of working with alternative sources of knowledge, establish new contacts to expand the sphere of communication. The positive emotions that students receive in project activities using information and communication technologies strengthen their self-confidence, contribute to the development of their cognitive activity, and increase motivation to study school subjects. In this case, the implementation of projects using information and communication technologies should be an integral structural element of the educational process of primary school.

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