
There are many advantage of the usage of internet, as new technology. Although there is anyone is not willing to use it, it just caused by other factors wich influence it. According to perceived enjoyment literature, as an intrinsic motivation and later also extrinsic motivation, it is important factor in motivating the usage of information system. Perceived enjoyment, with perceived usefulness ang perceived ease of use – in accordance to internet technology, will influence individual behavior in motivating the usage of internet. Technology Acceptance amodel (TAM) theory indicates that individual acceptance toward the information system is motivated by their perception perceived usefulnessand perceived ease of use that still need other variables to enlarge the understanding toward individual behavior in motivating the usage of system, e.g. perceivedenjoyment. The purpose of this research is to test the role of perceived enjoyment, also perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, in motivating the usage internet. The sample of the research are 226 respondents. The metode that is used to test hypothesis is by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) .The result of the research show that there is positif influence between perceived enjoyment toward perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in motivating the usage internet. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are not influent in motivating the usage of internet. The resul of the research also indicates that perceived enjoyment has an important role as an intrinsic motivation in the usage of internet but perceived enjoyment is not influence positively in the usage of intrnet in wich it is mediated by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.

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