
Aim. To assess the efficacy of minimally invasive procedures to improve the results of surgical treatment of nonparasitic liver cysts. Material and methods. The experience of treatment of 42 patients with nonparasitic liver cysts is presented, technical aspects and efficacy of minimally invasive methods in this category of patients are described. Results : using of an endovideosurgical method of treatment significantly reduces the time spent in hospital, minimizing postoperative complications. Long-term results of surgical treatment of nonparasitic liver cysts in the form of good cosmetic effect, absence of recurrences of the disease and clinical manifestations were improved. Conclusion . A laparoscopic treatment of nonparasitic liver cysts is characterized by the low number of complications, low frequency of relapses, and the absence of necessity for re-operation. The use of external drainage for nonparasitic liver cysts under the ultrasound supervision is preferable for infectious complications of liver cysts as a first stage before the radical surgical treatment.


  • A laparoscopic treatment of nonparasitic liver cysts is characterized by the low number of complications, low frequency of relapses, and the absence of necessity for re-operation

  • The use of external drainage for nonparasitic liver cysts under the ultrasound supervision is preferable for infectious complications of liver cysts as a first stage before the radical surgical treatment

  • В остальных случаях наружное дренирование кист печени проведено под контролем ультрасонографии под местной анестезией

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Представлен анализ результатов лечения 42 в правом подреберье и в эпигастральной области больных с непаразитарными кистами печени на были выражены у пациентов с размерами кист бобазе хирургического отделения БУ «Сургутская лее 5 см в диаметре — у 35 (83,3%) пациентов. Среди пациентов было 8 (19%) мужчин и 34 выявлено у 7 (16,7%) больных. У 3 (7,1%) пациентов симультанно выполнено иссечение кист печени с холецистэктомией по поводу хронического калькулезного холецистита, среди них в двух случаях пациенты оперированы лапароскопически, в одном доступ был лапаротомный. В остальных случаях наружное дренирование кист печени проведено под контролем ультрасонографии под местной анестезией.

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