
National branding, which is used by strategic marketing for a country's identity, has become a strategic tool for a country's competitiveness. Nevertheless, only a few countries in Europe have developed and implemented branding strategies. Poland belongs to such countries that are only formulating and developing branding strategies. Accordingly, there is a need to formulate recommendations for the development of the national brand using modern marketing technologies and tools. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to clarify the directions of the development of the national brand and branding, as well as to develop directions for the use of modern marketing tools for the development of the national brand. In conducting the research, the author used general scientific and special methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, systematisation and grouping, and a systematic approach. In the process of developing the research topic, it was proved that national branding increases exports, stimulates foreign investment and tourism. For Poland, it is important to introduce a comprehensive national branding system, which will allow to obtain positive results in various spheres of public life.

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