
The general goal of reference centres is to support the community, from diagnostic laboratories to research institutions, in the execution of their work by providing reference strains and reagents and giving instructions and recommendations to individual colleagues and national and international organisations on a wide variety of issues. There are different levels of reference centres, from local to international, with an increasing package of tasks and responsibilities. Local reference centres might limit activities to diagnostic confirmation by applying standard testing, while international reference centres cover a wider range of activities from design, validation and harmonisation of diagnostic and reference technologies to international monitoring associated with recommendations on the global burden and distribution of leptospirosis and its prevention and control to national and international health decision makers. This chapter focusses on four major pillars constituting reference tasks in addition to the obvious provision of reference substances, i.e. Research and training, Diagnosis, Identification of Leptospira and Surveillance. Due to financial and organisational constraints, reference centres are restricted in their capacity for basic research and consequently focus on applied research into various aspects of leptospirosis. They offer training, either individually or groupwise, that might vary from standard technologies to novel sophisticated methodologies, depending on the need and requests of the trainee. Most reference centres are involved in the confirmation of preliminary diagnosis obtained at peripheral levels, such as local hospitals and health centres, while other major activities involve the design and validation of diagnostics, their international harmonisation and quality assurance. Identification of causative Leptospira strains (or serovars) is key to the identification of infection sources and is critical for surveillance. Hence, reference centres also focus on the development, application and provision of methods that are required for unambiguous characterisation of new and recognised Leptospira strains and the maintenance of the integrity of strain collections. In line with their central role, reference centres are frequently associated with local, national and/or international surveillance activities linked to an advisory role and the production of guidelines. Such surveillance activities usually comprise collation of morbidity and mortality data, signalling of outbreaks and the investigation of infection sources and risks.

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