
Abstract The increase in the number of immigrants in Europe in recent decades has been accompanied by a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment and a growth in support for far-right political parties in Europe. A key element for ant-immigrant sentiment is the assumed lack of attachment and commitment of immigrants to the institutions, values and national identity of the host country. While a considerable body of studies have focused on the political and social assimilation of immigrants into European countries, the possible influence of Irish labour market experiences of first and second generation immigrants from non-western countries and Eastern European countries remains an under-researched area in th e literature. Combining five waves of the European Social Survey we test the proposition that the labour market experiences of first and second-generation immigrants from non-western countries and Eastern European countries are a factor affecting the extent of political and social assimilation into the host country. Our findings indicate that first-generation immigrants’ attachment to the political institutions of the host country are likely influenced more by a comparison with conditions in their country of origin rather than how they fare in labour market of the host country.

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