
The use of information and communication technologies has been increasing day-today throughout the world since the 1980s, as these technologies seem to reduce the complexity of issues for governments and at the same time reduce the context. Provided for the complex interdependencies between governments. This dual function of information and communication technologies has caused security problems for countries, especially underdeveloped countries, in terms of lower access or, in other words, the digital divide of advanced countries. The growing challenge in the security of nations is a major concern for everyone, in order to tackle this challenge a great amount of effort must be dedicated. Multiple related questions are asked in this article: Are we capable of IT and Ensure Homeland Security Strategy in Different Countries Do Intelligence Agencies Have the Right IT Infrastructure for the Purposes of Collecting, Sharing, and Disseminating Information? Is there Enough Monitoring Equipment? Information technology plays a significant role and will continue to strengthen the national security against future upcoming threats and cyber-attacks. Particularly, information technology can help countries to identify potential threats, share information easily, and protect mechanisms in them. Provide and develop capabilities.

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