
The article investigates the role of gender, race and age in the values of corporate social responsibility of business, which is of great importance for the formation of a humanistic vision in human resources management. They present the practice of sustainable development at the company level in the context of social initiatives, anti-discrimination vectors, corporate social responsibility of business, equality of opportunities for men and women, people of different races and ages. The object of research is the phenomena of gender, race and age in the values of corporate social responsibility of business. The subject of the research is the influence of gender, race and age on the values of corporate social responsibility of business. The purpose is to conceptualize the theoretical and practical aspects of the role of gender, race and age in the values of corporate social responsibility of business. The methodology of analyzing the role of gender, race and age in the values of corporate social responsibility of business is based on the following methods and approaches systemic (bringing everything into the system), structural and functional (analysis of functions), anthropological (analysis of the human dimension of gender), substantive (analysis of the substantive expression of policy), existential (analysis of human existence), phenomenological (analysis of phenomena), hermeneutic (analysis of works), Agile-methodology (flexibility, adaptability), which allowed to bring everything into the conceptual system of knowledge, principles, methods in the values of corporate social responsibility of business. The result of the research. The bases for discrimination on gender, race and age, which are defined and prohibited in many international documents, are revealed. The conceptual and categorical apparatus – gender, gender approach, sex, race, age in the context of the dimensions of corporate social responsibility of business is analyzed and their characteristics and interpretation are given. The phenomenon of sexual harassment in the workplace is analyzed and the phenomenon of discrimination against women in wages is clarified. The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and diversity management is formed. In science, there is a distinction between the “identification” concept of gender, which currently dominates academic discussions about gender in the West, and the “relational” concept of gender, which is the result of gender studies in anthropology and ethnology.

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