
Every day over 102.000 commercial passenger flights take place on a global scale above our heads. Because of that many questions arise in the areas of safety and security in massive air traffic. If airlines use crisis management, any activity concerning the preparation of the crew and the aircraft for a particular task - flight gets more significance and importance. During the flight, the pilot - the captain of the aircraft, is the key person of any company activity that includes transport of people and goods, and that is the reason why a pilot's psycho-physical abilities and flying performance must be constantly checked, evaluated and improved. In a plane crash near North Macedonia's capital city Skopje, the aviation investigators discovered the number of serious failures in pilot training that led to the fall of a private plane Cessna 340. The investigation revealed that although the pilot was certificated to fly in instrument meteorological conditions, his actions in the air indicate that he was not well trained. European and American aviation authorities have clear legal regulations regarding the training and certification for individual flight categories as well as a categorized simulation technique where pilots exercise before they get one of the flying categories. Flight simulators play an essential role in the training of the future pilots for both visual and instrumental flight conditions

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