
The 21st century has coincided with a fundamental change in science and technology. The rapid growth of science has unveiled the face of a new type of technology known as emerging technology. The most important difference between this technology and its predecessor is that emerging technologies are constantly updating and have inevitable dependence on previous technologies. Some of the most important examples of emerging technologies are Artificial Intelligence, 3D printing and space technology, which are discussed here. Since states have always sought to gain and enhance their national power and security, and for this purpose have been in endless competition with other actors, by describing opportunities and threats posed by advancement of emerging technologies in a descriptive-explanatory manner, this article seeks to find the answer to the question that what is the place of new technologies in the security and national power of countries and what are the threats and opportunities in this field? Given that several factors have been effective in gaining and promoting national security and power, the aim is to examine the impact of emerging technologies on national security and power. The overall result of the article shows that emerging technology as a new tool for actors like all other capabilities at the disposal of the actors of the international system have threats and opportunities that the agents of the international sphere should turn all threats into opportunities based on their need and by using the existing capacities, and use them in favor of their national interests.

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