
One of the most important tools used in the field of medicine is to search for data, especially in the field of exploration and knowledge of the prevailing health conditions, research into diseases and patient behavior in society, as well as contribute to knowing the effect of drugs and drugs on patients according to previous patient records. Data mining also helps to identify diseases spread in a specific area, which helps to take the necessary measures and awareness to control this disease, and works to develop and update the field of medicine and medicines and increase their spread. Efficiency and processing capacity. Data mining techniques are a recent method in the medical field, and have become increasingly reliable in diagnosing diseases especially in diagnosing and detecting thyroid diseases. Since such techniques help to properly analyze and accurately predict the disease, they contribute to helping physicians, providing appropriate medical care, and reducing the incidence or development of side effects of the disease. Today, data mining techniques are important in the medical field as they help detect diseases and epidemics that are spreading around the world. The purpose of this paper is to know the role of data mining techniques in the diagnosis of thyroid disease through the survey of a number of relevant studies. The critical appraisal tool of previous studies in this area has been used. The study has also found the importance of early diagnosis of thyroid diseases, providing proper treatment for patients. It also agreed on the importance of data mining tools such as neural networks, Machine and decision tree learning and their disease diagnosis potential. The paper recommends the need for extensive systematic reviews of studies on the use of data mining techniques in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases. Also, we concluded that Prospecting tools in medical devices have had an enormous and important impact on the health care industry and the country. It should be remembered that the medical data that began to multiply in a large amount must be contained herein a lot of useful information that greatly affects the improvement of the level of medical services and detection in Characteristics of many diseases and epidemics and find solutions to many difficult diseases.

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